The road construction project of the local government organization in Nakhon Phanom Municipality has statically reported mostly delayed

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ลิขิต พันธุเทพ
วชิรกรณ์ เสนาวัง
แสงสุรีย์ พังแดง


The road construction project of the local government organization in Nakhon Phanom Municipality has statically reported mostly delayed.   The delaying caused by various factors affects the extended finishing time, unplannable annual budget expenditure, and unavailable road using. This research study the delayed-factors and problems solution by collected interviewed data from two groups of samples composed of owner and contractor. The top five delayed factors which highest index score concluded of the lack of construction manpower, unsuitable technology using, material testing results awaiting, broken of machine, and loss of integration between owner and contractor. The problem solutions were presented orderly to those of highest index score delayed factors.



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How to Cite
พันธุเทพ ล., เสนาวัง ว., & พังแดง แ. (2021). The road construction project of the local government organization in Nakhon Phanom Municipality has statically reported mostly delayed. Journal of Engineering Technology Access (JETA) (Online), 1(1), 1–11. retrieved from
Research Articles


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