Online Fatoni University Extracurricular Activity System
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“My university is my paradise” is a focus of Fatoni University (FTU) to provide a more conducive atmosphere for students’ intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially developments. The university attaches importance to the development of student potential by promoting and supporting student activities, all which are managed by the Student Potential Development Office. But the activities are still managed by paper-based method. This project aims to develop an online FTU extracurricular activity system of Fatoni University as a form of web application. The functions of the system focus on management of the student activities, student engagement, and activity announcements. The FTU Student Activity System has been developed to give different types of user quick access to different tasks. This work relays on the System Development Life Cycle method to develop the system as its progress is easily assessable and more flexible to structured environment.
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