The Learning Management with STEM Education Concept on Statistics 1 for Grade 7 Students

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Weeraya Thoophom
Ponpitak Hembasat
Wannapol Pimpasalee


Mathematics is a subject that supports thinking processes of analyses and problem solving. Mathematics teaching with emphasis on lectures results in students not being able to look at mathematics in concrete. Therefore, teachers should focus on students’ practice and problem solving on themselves. STEM education is an active learning that focuses on practice. The purpose of this study were to 1) compare students learning achievement in Statistics 1 after going through STEM teaching method with 70% criterion, 2) study relative gain score of students’ learning achievement, and 3) study instructional satisfaction of students. The sample of this study was 43 grade 7 students of a school in Kalasin province studying in the second semester of the academic year 2018 drawn by cluster random sampling. Instruments were lesson plans designed based on the STEM education under the topic of Statistics 1, achievement test on Statistics 1, and instructional satisfaction test. The results of the research were shown as follows: 1) student learning achievement in Statistics 1 after going through STEM teaching method is higher than the criterion of 70% with statistical significance at the level 0.05, 2) 20 students, or 46.51% of all students, had a relative gain score in medium level and 3) students’ satisfaction towards STEM education approach was classified on the highest level.

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How to Cite
Thoophom, W., Hembasat, P., & Pimpasalee, W. (2021). The Learning Management with STEM Education Concept on Statistics 1 for Grade 7 Students. Mathematical Journal by The Mathematical Association of Thailand Under The Patronage of His Majesty The King, 66(705), 32–51. retrieved from
Research Article


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