Khon Kaen Zoo's Development Plan Toward Carbon Neutral Organization

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ณรงวิทย์ ชดช้อย


The purpose of this research is to study the development plan of Khon Kaen Zoo in order to assess the carbon footprint and analyze and propose a plan to reduce carbon missions within the zoo. It also aims to incorporate suitable innovations and technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within Khon Kaen Zoo. The research methodology includes document analysis and field research, collecting data from June 2021 to July 2022, spanning a one-year period. The study focuses on evaluating and mitigating emissions of three types of greenhouse gases: 1) Type 1 activities of the organization, including stationary combustion, mobile combustion, refrigerant leakage in the air conditioning system, and the use of non-air-dependent incinerators. 2) Type 2 indirect activities related to energy consumption, including electricity and steam consumption. 3) Type 3 other activities, such as resource utilization within Khon Kaen Zoo, employee transportation, and transportation activities. The assessment of the organizational carbon footprint of Khon Kaen Zoo revealed a total greenhouse gas emission of 776.45 tCO2e/yr. The analysis of emissions for each scope showed that Type 2 emissions accounted for the highest percentage ( 81.97% ), followed by Type 1 emissions (12.03%), while Type 3 emissions were the lowest (6.00%). To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the study proposes the implementation of the Green Zoo policy for sustainable organizational management, including the management of animal waste using oxygen, and waste management. Khon Kaen Zoo should plan and set annual targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to ensure a systematic approach. In the first year, the zoo should aim to reduce emissions by at least 5% of the total greenhouse gas emissions. Based on the study and analysis of the greenhouse gas emissions of Khon Kaen Zoo, it would take approximately 20 years to achieve a carbon-neutral status, with a total emissions reduction of 776.34 tCO2e from all three types. However, this timeframe can be shortened by increasing tree planting within the zoo premises.

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How to Cite
ชดช้อย ณ. . (2023). Khon Kaen Zoo’s Development Plan Toward Carbon Neutral Organization. Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 5(2), 26–43. retrieved from
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