The Development Ready to Cook by Freeze Drying with Low Energy Green Curry

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Pimonnat Viturat


This research concerned the development ready-to-cook with low energy Thai curry. The purpose was to study and develop a Low Energy Thai coconut milk curry recipe as a healthy semi-finished dried food in accordance with current consumer demand, value, and peferences. A questionnaire was utilized to collect data from general consumers in order to study and generate a standard recipe. In an experiment, a recipe was developed by using fresh skim milk to partially replace coconut milk, thus increasing nutritional value. The researcher used a sensory quality assessment with panelists together with experts. The most accepted recipe was studied in terms of nutritional and research was conducted concerning the procedure for dried, ready-to-cook, and semi-finished food through a freeze-drying process.  According to the study results from the questionnaire survey, the preferences of consumers for Thai coconut milk curry were mostly for green curry (  = 3.71). In the case of semi-finished/finished food products containing coconut milk curry, nearly half of the consumers (40%) decided to buy green curry products. This conformed to the factors of selection for buying semi-finished food, which consumers tended to buy, liking cleanliness and taste according to preference at a high level (  = 4.71, 4.60 and 4.56). The researcher selected to study and develop a green curry recipe applied from a standard green curry recipe from previous research dealing with the development of standard Thai food recipes for different ceremonies (Phongsak, 2020), with the most acceptance by panelists and experts at an overall preference level of  = 8.13±0.86. The recipe was studied and developed by using fresh skim milk to replace coconut milk at the 50% level, which was mostly accepted with an overall preference level of  = 8.30±0.79. The fresh skim milk to partially replace coconut milk in Thai curry has low energy and more nutrition as standard. Finally regarding the study of ready-to-cook process with freeze drying.

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How to Cite
Viturat, P. (2024). The Development Ready to Cook by Freeze Drying with Low Energy Green Curry . Rattanakosin Journal of Science and Technology, 6(1), 56–70. retrieved from
Research Articles


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