Effect of Natural Pigment Powder Supplementation on Egg Production and Egg Quality of Japanese Quail


  • Benya Saenmahayak Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agricultural Innovation and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Isan, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
  • Yarat Pookmuenwai
  • Sunisa Jakcoksoong
  • Duanpen Wongsorn


นกกระทาญี่ปุ่น, คุณภาพไข่, บีทรูท, โกจิเบอรร์รี่


The influence of natural pigment powder supplementation on quail egg quality was conducted. A total of 72 female quails with 60-day-old were divided into 3 treatments (8 replicates/treatment, 3 birds/pen). The experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Quails were divided into 3 groups as follows; group 1-basal diet (control); group 2-basal diet + 2% beetroot powder, and group 3-basal diet + 2% goji berry powder. The result demonstrated that supplementation of either beetroot powder or goji berry powder did not affect quail egg production, yolk height, yolk diameter, yolk index, egg weight, shape index, and shell thickness (P>0.05). While, quails supplemented with goji berry powder improved haugh unit, albumen height, and albumen index (P<0.05). Those quail-fed goji berry powder supplementation had significantly lowered h* (P<0.05) and those quail-fed beetroot power supplementation had decreased yolk fan color (P<0.05) when compared to the control. Supplementation with beetroot and goji berry lowered yolk color differences (ΔE) during storage (P<0.05) when compared with the control group. Therefore, beetroot and goji berry powder supplementation in quail feed can maintain egg yolk color during storage.


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