The effect of Lamdom Yai Dam on the flooding of the surrounding area

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องอาจ แสนอุบล
ทวีศักดิ์ วังไพศาล


Lamdom Yai Basin is a sub-basin of Mun River Basin. The lowland area at the downstream of the basin is frequently flooded. This paper presents the analysis of flood in Lamdom Yai Basin at the Lamdom Yai dam area. The objective of this study was to determine the flood routing at the upstream and the downstream of the dam. The 2013 severe flood was used as the base case to determine the effect of Lamdom Yai dam on the flooding in the area. It was found that the maximum flood water level in the base case was +115.2 m.msl in both cases with and the without the Lamdom Yai dam. The flood water level was up to 3.20 m. above the river bank. The study result indicates that the Lamdom Yai Dam has no influence to the flood in the area.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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