การจำลองสถานการณ์เพื่อปรับปรุงกระบวนการทำงานของสายการผลิตสับปะรดบรรจุถุง: กรณีศึกษา

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สุทธิดา เอี่ยมสำอางค์
อธิวัฒน์ บุญมี


The problem of improper labor and machine resource management, resulting in the production of pineapple in retort pouches process for the case study cannot be carried out in the most efficient manner. By the lack of work efficiency of the labor force, the company could not produce pineapple in retort pouches in the desired amount. The inefficient management requires overtime employment which leads to higher production costs. This article studied the working methods of the production of pineapple in retort pouches process. The simulation model with the Arena program has been created to help provide an overview of the current production process. The simulation model will help to know the problems that occur and can be analyzed to find ways to improve the work process to be appropriate and able to proceed more efficiently. The researchers have focused on increasing the number of labor and machines for bottlenecks in order to achieve the rate of pineapple production according to the target. The model proposed a reduction in the number of workers in the work station with a higher production rate than the work station that is the bottleneck of the system. The proposed model is divided into 6 sub-models. It is found that the results from the M4 model are the most appropriate model. Because it is a model that will help produce the desired results and can reduce the number of workers used in the production process by up to 6 people or 8.33 percent of the number of workers in this production process. The analysis to improve the workflow obtained from the simulation model will help the company to see the effects that will occur and be a tool for decision making to plan the production of pineapple bags in the amount that the company targets with less work time. This improved management will help increase the work efficiency of labor and machinery.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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