An Application of kansei engineering technique for the design and development of leather product: A case study of leather manufacturer, muang district, songkhla province

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surasit rawangwong
ชาตรี หอมเขียว
ธยา ภิรมย์
อภิชล ทองมั่ง กำเนิดว้ำ
ทิพยสุคนธ์ บุญญโส


The objective of this research is to studied about the design of leather women backpack products. By applying the Kansei engineering to explore the emotions, feelings and needs of consumers towards the products used in the design and development of new leather women backpack products that are preferred by consumers. The questionnaires used in the data survey were Likert scale. The data from the survey were analyzed by quantitative analysis. The results of the quantitative analysis are in the form of predictive equations, which show the relationship between Kansei words and product characteristics. The result of this reserach is the design of leather backpack for women allows designers to customize features and design products that meet the needs of consumers in the feeling of the three formats is "Minimal" with a good level of satisfaction with an average of 4.07, "Luxury" with a good level of satisfaction with an average of 4.10 and " Avant Garde " with a good level of satisfaction with an average of 4.21.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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