The effect of pin surface on natural frequencies of HDD actuator arm

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Kullasup Phongsrisuk
ณัฐพล พลดงเขียว
ณัฐพล สุริยะฉัตรมงคล
ไกรฤกษ์ ฟั่นแจ้ง


This research was to study the effect of a pin surface on the natural frequencies of the HDD actuator arm by using finite element software. In the study, the number of convex surfaces, the number of rows of convex surfaces, and the arrangement of convex surfaces were variations on the pin outer surface. From the results shown that the number of convex surfaces, the number of rows of convex surfaces, and the arrangement of convex surfaces affected the natural frequency in the Pin bending and Pin sway mode shape. A pin with a low number of convex surfaces and rows of convex surfaces had the maximum difference in natural frequencies, while a pin with asymmetrically convex surfaces had the difference in natural frequencies less than a pin with symmetrically convex surfaces.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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