The Optimal Conditions of The Sweet Potato Production Machine by The participations of Thap Nam Community in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya

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Chatpon Phimpha


This research presents the determination process of the optimal condition using design of experiment with participatory action research, to increase the efficiency of the sweet potato production process in the Thap Nam community, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province. The traditional production of agriculturists mainly used human labor. However, when there is a large demand for products, community agriculturists and researchers are joined together to find out the methods to increase productivity, resulting in the fabrication of a sweet potato washing machine. In addition, it is necessary to find the optimal condition in the machining process to be able to meet the requirements of agriculturists. In finding the optimization, the researcher chose the factorial design method together with participatory action research. By inviting agriculturists in each group and people in the community to join together, the product standard was set. The decisions were made in various production processes, resulted in the acceptance of these ideas by the agriculturists. From the results of the experimental design for optimal condition, it was found that setting the sweet potato washing machine with grinding ball speed of 60 rpm, adjustable water pressure at 2 bar, and 0.5 min run time can increase the productivity to 5 times of using human labors.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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