Influence of Technology Readiness Index on Online Shopping Channel Decision for SMEs

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Nuttakrit Loacharoen
สุธาทิพย์ ภู่บุบผาพันธ์


This research aims to study SMEs customers’ technology readiness in the decision of purchasing products via online channels by applying the Technology Readiness Index. The empirical data were obtained by using Simple sampling method for collecting 410 people previously purchasing products in the area of Maha Sarakham Province and its surrounding area. The Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to group variables and find their consistency by considering statistical significance at 0.05 level. The confirmatory factor analysis model was consistent at the following parameter values: CMIN-ρ = 0.471, CMIN / df = 1.004, GFI = 0.961, and RMSEA = 0.003. The results of multiple regression analysis of which r2 = 0.314 found that Optimism and Innovativeness variables had a positive effect; and Insecurity variable had a negative statistically significant impact on online purchasing decisions. Therefore, this research can conclude that customers in this SMEs business are ready to order products through online channels because they see technology as positives. However, if the customers are concerned about the security of their financial transactions, it will be more difficult to change the method of ordering products to online channels.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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