Preventive maintenance planning for abattoir machines: a case study of Pon yang kham breeding cooperative NSC.Ltd.

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รังสรรค์ ไชยเชษฐ์
ประภากรณ์ แสงวิจิตร
ชฎาภรณ์ แสงตามี


This case study aims to investigate and increase the performance of two machine units by implementing the maintenance plan with the Overall Equipment Effectiveness rate (OEE) goal at 75% or higher at Pon Yang Kham Breeding Cooperative NSC. Ltd. Many observations and visits had been made before conducting the study and it was found that there was no machine maintenance plan which later caused the machine downtime. Before applying the plan, the average machine stop of a mouth stunner was 9 times and an electric splitting saw was 12 times per month. The mean time between failures (MTBF) of the stunner downtime was 6.46 hours each and the splitting saw was 4.76 hours each. The average availability rate of the stunner was at 93.97% and the splitting saw was at 92.83%. The OEE of the stunner was at 73.20% and the splitting saw was at 66.42%. However after implementing the plan, the MTBF rate was improved. The stunner downtime was lower to 9.69 hours each and the splitting saw was lower to 8.18 hours. The overall downtime periods of the stunner and the splitting saw were 3.15 and 3.77 hours per month respectively. The availability rate of the stunner was 94.72% (increased by 0.75%) and the splitting saw was 93.69% (increased by 0.86%). The OEE rate of the stunner and the splitter saw had increased to 77.14% (increased by 3.94%) and 77.14% (increased by 10.72%) respectively.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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