Operational risk analysis: case study of plastic bag manufacturer

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Ratchadakorn Ratchadakorn


The purpose of this research is to analyze the possibility operational risk. Case study of Plastic Bag Manufacturer, use technique to analyze the cause of mistake and effect from Failure Mode and Effect Analysis: FMEA. The research starts with the study of the process using Outline Process Chart. After the study observation of the possibility of the risk in the process, founded that the inflation of the bag blowing process is the most operational risk happened. The last quarter, there are the most accident happened. To analyze the problem in the inflation process, the results shown that the failure is from the station 2. Use Severity: S, Occurrence: O, Detection: D to calculate the risk or Risk Priority Number: RPN. Which consists of 4 lists; include of Workers doesn’t have standard from the RPN before improving was 480 but after the improvement decreased to 240. Workers doesn’t pay attention to safety. The RPN was 1,000 after the improvement was shown 600. Worker doesn’t wear heat shield. The RPN was 1,000 after the improvement, it was decrease to 400. And work environment doesn’t suitable. The RPN was 420 but after the improvement, it was decreased to 210.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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