Enhancement the power coefficient of a vertical axis wind turbine with curved surface hole

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อนุวัฒน์ บำรุงกิจ


The energy efficiency of vertical axis wind turbines is often limited by the air resistance behind the turbine blades. This research was conducted to decrease the drag coefficient (Cd) of the blades with the curved surface hole method. The blade made from mild steel with 1.5 mm of thickness while the ratio of height to length (h/b) is 2.0. A 25 mm ball steel used to press for the curved surface hole on the back of blade with three rows in longitudinal. There are four types of blade for used in the experimental. That the radius of curved surface holes of 0.25R, 0.5R, 0.75R and 1.0R. Experiments to determine the drag coefficient of turbine blades and energy efficiency of two-blade vertical axis wind turbines. Experiment within the wind tunnel with constant wind speed between 2.5 to 9.0 m/s. The results showed that the curved surface hole on the back of the blades reduced the drag coefficient of 1.12 while the turbine energy efficiency increased to 29% with the curved surface pits of 0.5R.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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