Efficiency improvement of ultra broadband transceiver manufacturing process

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ยุทธนา แสนสามาต
ชลันธร ชูนามะ
นิลวรรณ ชุ่มฤทธิ์


This case study is to improve an efficiency of ultra-broadband transceivers manufacturing process.  The case study found that several customer orders could not be produced on schedules and a lot of work in process.  The first part of this study, using Work Study approach to improve in Main Assembly 1, Main Assembly 2 and Main Assembly 3 processes which are mainly done by operators. The improvement, for example removal of unnecessary work, would be applied as a standard work procedure. The result showed that all three assembly processes can reduce time and balance in production cycle of each station similarly. The second part of the study, ultra-broadband transceivers manufacturing process was simulated by a simulation program to find a method for transferring work pieces and to reduce the waiting time. The simulation was done by starting from Traca (RI) process to Climatic Test process. The suitable improvement was the proposed plan 2 (increase one capacity in software testing of Sub System Test process and increase a number of workpieces to be four units in transferring from Warm Up process to Sub System Test process). Findings from simulation models, the efficiency of ultra-broadband transceivers manufacturing process was increased with higher utilization for 5%, lower waiting time for 85.19% and higher productivity for 37.50%.

Article Details

บทความวิจัย (Research Article)
Author Biography

ยุทธนา แสนสามาต, Faculty of Engineering Srinakharinwirot University

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Srinakharinwirot University


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