Experimental study and investment value analysis of using heat pipe in cooling solar cell panel

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ยุธนา ศรีอุดม
อนุรัตน์ เทวตา
เอกณัฏฐ์ กระจ่างธิมาพร


This research aimed to experimentally study and to analyze value for investment of using heat pipe in cooling solar cell panel. Three mono-crystalline Silicon solar cell panels with the capacity of 280 W for each panel were used for this test. The first panel (TS1) was tested without installing any heat pipe. The second panel (TS2) was tested with installing a heat pipe set which contained R-11 working fluid. The last panel (TS3) was tested with installing a heat pipe set which contained R-134a working fluid. The result from test showed that the temperatures of all solar cell panels had the same trend. They varied with the solar radiation. The solar cell panel temperatures were increased when the solar radiation increased. The TS3 panel which a heat pipe set with R-134a working fluid was installed performed with the lowest average panel temperature and maximum average efficiency. For the result of value for investment analysis, it was found that using heat pipe in cooling solar cell panel was not worth its cost in this test. The IRRs of the panels with installing heat pipe which contained R-11 and R-134 working fluids were lower than the panel without installing any heat pipe for 3.2 and 3.4% respectively. However, the cost of installing and equipment of heat pipe were determined for the number of installing heat pipe set for a solar panel and equipment retail price. When those costs were reduced, the IRR would increase.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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