The Implementation of DMAIC for Shortening Inspection Time of Vehicle Inspection Department: A Case Study of an Automobile Factory in Rayong Province

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Chayut Bunterngchit
เจนจิรา สุขมณี


This research aims to calculate standard time in workstations of vehicle inspection department and shorten the inspection time of workstations which have inspection time higher than 5 minutes per car, which is the factory goal. From the standard time calculation of 15 workstations, there are 4 of them which have inspection time higher than 5 minutes per car. However, due to the constraints of equipment, only 3 workstations, which are Specification Exterior (UK), Specification Interior (UK) and Keyless (UK), can be improved to shorten the inspection time. The research applies DMAIC, ECRS principles along with applying Fishbone Diagram as a root cause finder and Flow Process Chart as an activity observer. After applying all those principles and tools, the inspection times of those 3 workstations are shortened from 6.21, 5.43 and 5.21 minutes per car respectively to 4.22, 4.84 and 4.96 minutes per car respectively (reduced by 32.05%, 10.87% and 4.8% respectively). All 3 improved workstations are now having inspection time less than 5 minutes. The researcher also writes Work Instructions (WI) for the change of process in those 3 workstations.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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