Efficiency improvement in bottle sorting process: a case study of a dairy company in Songkhla province

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อภิชล ทองมั่ง กำเนิดว้ำ
จุฬาลักษณ์ โรจนานุกูล


The objective of this research was to improve the efficiency of the bottle sorting process, a case study of a dairy company in Songkhla province. This research started from a study current state of the company case study. Then, the root cause analysis was analyzed using Why-why analysis principles. The ECRS principle was applied as the main guideline for improving work with the design of the bottle sorting device. The results of the study and analysis of the sorting 400 bottles of 180-milliliter milk bottles revealed that before the improvement which was the old way of sorting bottles. It took an average time of 552.00 seconds. After improvement by re-sorting bottles using the prototype device, it was found that the average time was 352.86 seconds. The average time for sorting bottles was reduced by 199.14 seconds, or 36.08 percent and it can also reduce the workflow by two steps, or a 33.33 percent reduction. In addition, the new work style also makes the operator work more conveniently and reduces fatigue from twisting the body with improper posture. As a result, after the work improvements, the efficiency of the bottle sorting process of the case study dairy company increased.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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