Application of ant colony algorithm for tourism routing arrangement of Nonthaburi

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ธนากร เกตุแก้วเกศกุล
สุภาภรณ์ สุวรรณรังษี


The research presented the Ant Colony Algorithm together with Local search including Swap, 2-opt and Insert Point to plan the route arrangement of Nonthaburi tourist attractions. The purpose of this research was to find the shortest paths for route to travel in Nonthaburi. The results showed that the best parameters for the algorithm used in the research included the pheromone evaporation equal to 0.9, the relative influence of the pheromone and the heuristic information equal to 5 and ant population equal to 10. The algorithm which was presented could calculate the optimal path which were equal to 76.5 kilometers using 1.003 seconds of average processing time. In addition, the research also tested algorithm with 15 Benchmark Problems. It appeared that the algorithm which was presented could search solutions all Benchmark Problems. The kroA150 Problem had the highest error deviation equal to 1.79 percent. The research compared the optimal solutions with Traditional Ant colony algorithm, Evolutionary and Nearest Neighbor algorithm. It showed that the algorithm which was presented. outperformed Traditional Ant Colony algorithm, Evolutionary algorithm and Nearest Neighbor algorithm

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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