Application of quality function deployment technique in the development of nutmeg stirring machine by the participation of nutmeg processing community enterprises in Nakhon Si Thammarat province

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บัณฑิตา ภู่ทรัพย์มี โปณะทอง
ยุทธศักดิ์ รอดแก้ว
สุธาพร เกตุพันธ์
พงษ์พันธ์ ราชภักดี


The purpose of this article is to design and develop a nutmeg stirring machine by applying the Quality Function Deployment Technique in the House of Quality together with the Participatory Action Research (PAR) to inquire about the need for nutmeg stirring machines from community enterprises and to find the optimum conditions for nutmeg stirring by considering the properties of the preserved nutmeg. The results of testing by applying the Quality Function Deployment Technique were showed in the house of quality section. The factors required in the design of the machine were: the characteristics of use, safety, the stirred products from the machine with hygiene and shape. After that, the engineering principles were applied to design and build the nutmeg stirring machine and find the suitable speed of rotation. The five-levels of rotation speed were 50, 55, 60, 65, 70 rpm, respectively as a result of one-way ANOVA at a significance level of 0.05 and a multiple comparison of the Tukey Method. The New Multiple Range Test found that the optimum rotation speed was 65 rpm, resulting in a stirring time of 296 minutes (4.93 hours).  The stirring time was reduced by 38.33%, and when the preserved nutmeg was tested their properties, it was found that the pressure, texture, viscosity, free water content and moisture test were 129.11 N, 43,200 in cP, 0.476, 18.04%, respectively.  The properties of the preserved nutmeg satisfied the community product standards. Moreover, according to the real appliance, the satisfaction level was at 96.36%. The nutmeg stirring machine was designed and built through the cooperative work of the Nutmeg Fruit Processing Community Enterprise Group, so the machine is suitable and meets the needs of the community truly.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


สมคิด ดำน้อย. กรมวิชาการเกษตรกร. เข้าถึงได้จาก: [เข้าถึงเมื่อ 21 กันยายน 2564]

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