Layout Improvement in Hospital for Distance and Service Time Reduction

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krit chantarasamai
On-Uma Lasunon


This study aimed to enhance the layout of the general examination and the pediatrics departments in a hospital in Maha Sarakham province, with the goal of reducing the service distance and time. To propose a better plan, the principle of Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) was employed. After then, the Arena program was used to simulated the layout. The proposed layout and the existing are compared in terms of total service distance, total service time, total service area, average movement time and average service time per person. The result showed that the layout after improvement could reduce the total distance of the service by 79.14 meters (16.7%), reduce the total service time by 0.98 minutes per person (0.4%), reduce the total service area by 45.18 square meters (11.3%), reduce the average movement time by 0.26 minutes per person (17.81%), and reduce the average service time per person by 1.04 minutes (5.6%).

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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