Development of mechanical and physical properties of charcoal briquettes from rubber seeds mixed with coconut shells as alternative energy

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Kittichat Paopongpaiboon
Kornkanok Boonserm
Veera Horsakulthai


This research aims to develop the mechanical and physical properties of charcoal briquettes from rubber seeds mixed with coconut shells. The replacement levels of rubber seeds charcoal powder with coconut shells charcoal powder of 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 % by weight of rubber seeds charcoal powder were used in this study. The ratio of rubber seeds charcoal powder to tapioca flour of 10:1 was also used. The specimens at the age of 7 days were tested for compressive strength, bulk density, moisture content, calorific value, duration of burning until extinguishing, produce sparks and smoke. The test results showed that the increasing of coconut shells charcoal powder resulted in the increasing of compressive strength, bulk density, calorific value, and duration of burning until extinguishing while decreasing of moisture content values. All of these specimens do not produce sparks, do not smoke, and passed the standard requirement as per Thai Industrial Standard 238/2547 for charcoal briquettes and thus can be used as commercial charcoal briquettes. Which is considered as alternative environmental friendly energy.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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