Optimum Carburizing Temperature and Time in Hardening Big Knife by Pack Carburizing Process Using Golden Apple Snail Shells as an Energizer

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ณรงค์ศักดิ์ ธรรมโชติ
สมบัติ น้อยมิ่ง
วรรณา หอมจะบก
อมรศักดิ์ มาใหญ่
จารุพงษ์ บรรเทา


The objective of this research was to study optimum factors; carburizing temperature and time that affected the mechanical properties of hardened big knives in pack carburizing process by using golden apple snail shell as an energizer. The mechanical properties which consisted of hardness and impact values were studied. These properties of the experiment were used for comparison with the mechanical properties vatues delivered from the big knives forged and hardened by communal forging knives. The pack carburizing compound used eucalyptus wood charcoal powder as carburizer with the proportion of 80 percentage and golden apple snail shell powder as energizer with the proportion of 20 percentage by weight. The two optimized factors in this study consisted of carburizing temperature and carburizing time. The carburizing temperature consisted of three levels such at 960, 980 and 1,000 degree Celsius. The carburizing time consisted of three levels of 60, 90 and 120 minutes. The carburizing experiment was conducted by following the principle of design of experiments (DOE). After carburizing, the knives were then austenitized at 780 degree Celsius for 15 minutes and quenched in water. After quenching, the knives were tempered at 180 degree Celsius for 60 minutes. The analyzed results showed that the carburizing temperature was 1,000 degree Celsius and the optimum carburizing time was 83.9 minutes. The two factors produced on average hardness of 606.8 HV and average impact value of 32.5 Joules. The optimum values of carburizing temperature and time were used for verification. The result of average hardness was 610.2 HV and the average impact value was 21.6 Joules, which coincided with the hardness of the communal big knives.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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