Problems and Solutions of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Epidemic Using AHP and TOPSIS

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kittiwat sirikasemsuk
Kanyarat Temkleb
Kanchanaporn Boonchuay
Naree Maneesuwannasin
Sasiwimon Chuvichaiwong
Laksiri Treeranurat


The objective of this research was to study, analyze and rank the problems which had the most impact on online learning in the COVID-19 pandemic along with presenting and ranking solutions to problems in online learning from students' perspectives. The analytical hierarchical process (AHP) and technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) were applied together. This research started by collecting and grouping online learning problems and solutions. This research considered the undergraduate Engineering students in the case study of a department, 3rd-4th year at the university in Bangkok. Based on the results, the highest weight of importance was physical and mental stress. A large amount of work and a short exam time was of secondary importance, whereas the problem that students could not do practical experiments was the third priority weight. While inadequate equipment and internet signals including the unfavorable environment were ranked 4th and 5th, respectively. As for the result of calculating the significance weight of the solution obtained from the TOPSIS technique, the highest weight of importance was to adapt the learning measurement model and the workload appropriately. Physical and mental stress relief activities were of secondary importance, whereas providing Internet access equipment and reducing educational costs were the third priority weight. While seeking additional knowledge outside of school hours and increasing teaching in the classroom (on-site) including providing environments and making agreements with residents were ranked 4th and 5th, respectively.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Article)


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