Radiological Impact Assessment of Class 3 Landfill of TENORM Waste from Tin Industry in Bangka Island 10.32526/ennrj/19/2021020

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Zeni Anggraini
Budi Setiawan
Nazhira Shadrina
Dadong Iskandar


This study assessed the potential radiological impact of a class 3 landfill as a disposal facility of the final tin slag from the tin industry in Bangka Island. Tin slag that contains TENORM (Technically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) with activity concentrations above exemption level limits should be stored safely and securely. The radiological impact analysis of storing TENORM waste was carried out before and after the construction of a landfill facility. RESRAD OFFSITE version 3.2 software was used to simulate dose and cancer risk, and analyze the contribution of exposure pathways. Radionuclide concentration, landfill facility specifications, hydrogeological data, climatological data, and food and water consumption data were used as input parameters of RESRAD. The receptor was a resident farmer who lives 100 meters from the facility, grows his own food, and consumes water from his land. The total dose before and after the construction of the landfill were 3.13 mSv/year and 1.84×10-2 mSv/year while cancer risks were 5.69×10-3 and 6.50×10-5, respectively. The exposure pathways from inhalation of radon become a major contributor to dose acceptance and cancer risk. Based on these results, the landfill facility is effective in reducing the potential impact of radiological hazards from dose acceptance and cancer risk.

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How to Cite
Anggraini, Z., Setiawan, B. ., Shadrina, N. ., & Iskandar, D. . (2021). Radiological Impact Assessment of Class 3 Landfill of TENORM Waste from Tin Industry in Bangka Island: 10.32526/ennrj/19/2021020. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 19(5), 337–347. retrieved from
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