Energy Use and Consumption Patterns of Maize Cultivation - A Case Study in Thailand 10.32526/ennrj/19/202100086

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Sirikarn Thongmai
Thanakrit Neamhom
Withida Patthanaissaranukool
Supawadee Polprasert


This study explored energy inputs and consumption patterns to determine energy and economical indices for maize cultivation in Thailand. To assess the energy performance of four used cropping systems, namely, highland cultivation in wet season (HLWS), highland cultivation in dry season (HLDS), plains cultivation in wet season (PLWS), and plains cultivation in dry season (PLDS), data from energy consumed and produced show Net Energy Value (NEV) gains of +77.0, +106.5, +191.6, and +228.5 GJ/ha, respectively. Positive signs indicate that the required energy was less than energy produced which reveals sustainability. Use of fertilizer accounted for the major input energy in all systems, followed by fossil fuels, human labor and seeds. A cost performance analysis demonstrated PLDS production exhibited the highest profit earnings (1,365.2 USD/ha). To establish an alternative way to reduce the amount of energy consumed together with increased profit returns to farmers, the renewable energy from waste manure was used to replace dependence on chemical fertilizers. Scenarios using manure from cows, chickens, and farmyards were considered. Results showed that the use of farmyard manure created greater amounts of energy efficiency and economical return rates. Moreover, the benefits increased with increased amounts of organic material applied.

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How to Cite
Thongmai, S. ., Neamhom, T. ., Patthanaissaranukool, W. ., & Polprasert, S. . (2021). Energy Use and Consumption Patterns of Maize Cultivation - A Case Study in Thailand: 10.32526/ennrj/19/202100086. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 19(6), 435–448. retrieved from
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