Use of Bayesian, Lasso Binary Quantile Regression to Identify Suitable Habitat for Tiger Prey Species in Thap Lan National Park, Eastern Thailand 10.32526/ennrj/20/202100244

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Paanwaris Paansri
Warong Suksavate
Aingorn Chaiyes
Prawatsart Chanteap
Prateep Duengkae


A Bayesian approach was used to develop binary quantile regression models featuring the lasso penalty. The models afford the advantages of all quantile regression models, such as robustness and detailed insights into covariate effects; they also handle issues associated with overfitting well. Thus, this model was used to investigate habitat suitability for the management of tiger prey species. Field data were collected from 150 sampling sites (2,416 sub-plots) in Thap Lan National Park of the Dong Phayayen-Khao Yai Forest Complex (DPKY) from August 2019 to March 2021. We focused on sambar deer (Rusa unicolor) and gaur (Bos gaurus) because they are the principal prey species of tigers. Vegetation was sampled for biomass and nutrient content to identify suitable habitat. The “bayesQR” package of R was used to identify habitats appropriate for these species. The correlation between forage crop biomass and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was significantly associated with tiger prey species presence. The habitat can be improved by increasing grass and forb biomasses as the prey species prefer open habitats, such as grassland and open areas of dry evergreen forest. Habitat management has ensured that the grass biomass of open forest is significantly higher than that of dense forest. In addition, the hemicellulose content of open forest was significantly greater than that of dense forest. We found that spatial modeling combined with Bayesian, lasso binary quantile regression could aid wildlife habitat management in a Thai National Park.

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How to Cite
Paansri, P., Suksavate, W., Chaiyes, A., Chanteap, P., & Duengkae, P. (2022). Use of Bayesian, Lasso Binary Quantile Regression to Identify Suitable Habitat for Tiger Prey Species in Thap Lan National Park, Eastern Thailand: 10.32526/ennrj/20/202100244. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 20(3), 266–278. retrieved from
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