Comparative Study of Carbon Stock and Tree Diversity between Scientifically and Conventionally Managed Community Forests of Kanchanpur District, Nepal 10.32526/ennrj/20/202200010
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The present study was accomplished to assess and compare tree diversity, carbon stock, and to find the relationship between carbon stock and tree diversity in scientifically and conventionally managed community forests (CFs) of Kanchanpur District, Nepal. A total of 94 sample plots were overlaid with a systematic random sampling method (51 plots in scientifically managed Singhapur CF and 43 plots were established in conventionally managed Kalika CF). The height and DBH of each tree were measured to calculate biomass and carbon stock. Shannon-Wiener and Simpson’s indexes were calculated for tree diversity. The data were pooled and analyzed using MS Excel and SPSS software. The values were statistically compared using a t-test. The total carbon stock and tree diversity were higher in scientifically managed CF (207.58 tons/ha and H= 0.97) than conventionally managed CF (183.72 tons/ha and H=0.85). Shorea robusta has a major contribution on total carbon stock in both CFs (Kalika: 66.34% and Singhapur: 70.43%) followed by Terminalia tomentosa (Kalika: 24.65% and Singhapur: 13.36%). The t-test did not show any significant difference for the mean values of carbon stocks and tree diversity between the CFs at a 5% level of significance. However, carbon stock showed a weak but positive relationship with species richness and negative with evenness. The result of the study recommends managing forests scientifically for increased tree diversity leading to enhanced carbon deposition.
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