Remote Sensing Analysis of Smog-Inducing Aerosol Optical Depth: An Integrated Approach for Air Pollution Mitigation 10.32526/ennrj/22/20240025

Main Article Content

Shazia Pervaiz
Kanwal Javid
Filza Zafar Khan
Sikandar Hayat


Aerosol aggravation poses a significant challenge in the administrative Lahore Division of Punjab, Pakistan and contributes greatly to the persistent issue of smog. Since 2017, the division has experienced recurrent episodes of smog pollution, most notably in the months of October and November. In the present study, aerosol optical depth (AOD) has been analyzed alongside three metrological parameters: temperature, humidity and rainfall. These were tracked in October and November of 2018, 2020, and 2022 using remote sensing data and satellite imaging. Additionally, anthropogenic emissions data from automobile exhaust, industries and stubble burning were derived from secondary sources. Ultimately, the study helped piece together the complex environmental picture in Lahore Division in October and November. The results showed that AOD levels not only increased during this time, they were significantly influenced by a full range of metrological variables such as low temperature, high relative humidity, lack of rainfall and emissions from a variety of human activities. It was found that trucks, tractors and buses were among the worst contributors, alongside industry and stubble burning. Therefore, the present study suggests multi sectoral plans to mitigate aerosol levels and combat the smog menace, promoting environmental sustainability in the Lahore Division. A full set of recommendation is included, divided into three categories: industry, transport and agriculture. These are focused on technology, control systems, disposal, incentives, green solutions and more. At all levels, commitment, collaboration, and coordination are absolutely vital.

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How to Cite
Pervaiz, S., Javid, K. ., Khan, F. Z., & Hayat, S. (2024). Remote Sensing Analysis of Smog-Inducing Aerosol Optical Depth: An Integrated Approach for Air Pollution Mitigation: 10.32526/ennrj/22/20240025. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 22(5), 408–419. Retrieved from
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