Life Cycle Evaluation of Frozen Okra by Using Parameter Screening Method

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Sate Sampattagul
Supalak Palee
Chunya Kantawongwan


Different methodologies of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) have been developed all over the world, however, the full implementation of LCA for SMEs is difficult due to its complexity, time consumption and the high cost. These problems were partly solved by using the experience in the development of a “Streamlined LCA” for SMEs. A parameter screening method was applied in the case study of frozen okra which is just one of the highly exported agricultural products of Thailand. The life cycle environmental impacts of this product were evaluated using a method called “Environmentally Responsible Product Assessment (ERPA)”. The objective of this research was to identify and quantify the environmental impacts of frozen okra from plantation, manufacturing, transportation, consumption and disposal. The environmental impact can be classified into 5 environmental stressors, which are material procurement, energy consumption, solid waste, wastewater and air  pollution. The environmental impact was assessed by rating the collection at the highest impact level for each parameter, such as fertilizers, chemical use, heavy oil use, and direct emissions from energy consumption. All of the rating values were calculated based on the panel
weighing method. Finally, the environmental stressors of the whole life cycle stage were shown in the form of target plots with a 25-element matrix. The overall rating (RERP) was 55.93, and coolant (ammonia and R-22) and energy consumption in the manufacturing stage are regarded as hot-spots. In addition, greenhouse gases from the manufacturing and transportation stages are critical parameters that need to be reduced to increase the environmental friendliness of production.

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How to Cite
Sampattagul, S., Palee, S., & Kantawongwan, C. (2016). Life Cycle Evaluation of Frozen Okra by Using Parameter Screening Method. Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 10(2), 37–49. retrieved from
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