Removal of 17alpha-methyltestosterone and Its Metabolites by Photo-Fenton Process

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Supreeda Homklin


17alpha-methytestosterone (MT) has been used as a synthetic androgenic hormone to induce male population in Nile tilapia fry by feeding the MT at 60 mg/kg. The effluent wastewater containing residue MT from masculinizing ponds without any treatment may effect on the endocrine system of exposed human and wildlife. The MT is classified as an endocrine disrupting compound. Thus, this research aims to study the efficiency of MT removal by Photo-Fenton and the effect of initial MT concentration and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on the removal efficiency. The result showed that the optimal pH, amount of ferric iron, and ratio of Fe2+:H2O2 of Photo-Fenton process was 3, 0.003 mM, and 1:100 (mM:mM), respectively. The degradation rate constant decreased with the increasing of the initial MT concentration because of the limitation of hydroxyl radical generation. The DOC could inhibit the MT removal in the first 40 min due to the competition between the existing organic compounds. However, MT did not undergo mineralization as the DOC was not significantly decreased.

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Homklin S. Removal of 17alpha-methyltestosterone and Its Metabolites by Photo-Fenton Process. featkku [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 1 มกราคม 2018 [อ้างถึง 16 กุมภาพันธ์ 2025];4(1):35-40. available at:


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