Some physical properties of cassava and evaluation of the performance in cutting cassava tubers from their rhizomes using manual labor

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chainarong chainarong Lomchangkum


This research was conducted to determine some physical properties of cassava and evaluation of the performance in cutting cassava tubers from their rhizomes using manual labor. The study of physical properties of cassava showed the ranges of diameters of cassava tubers (at base, middle and end sections) were 4.2-8.5, 3.1-6.7 and 2.1-5.3 cm respectively.  The cassava tubers’ lengths ranged between 2.2-4.4 cm, their weights ranged between 0.2-1.0 kg and their average density was 820.83 kg/m3.  The coefficient of static friction was in the range 28.0O-30.0O. The performance in cutting cassava tubers from their rhizomes using manual labor an average working rate of 352.53 kg/hr/person, resulting from 163.05 rhizomes/hr/person, and the average cutting loss was 0.22%.

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How to Cite
Lomchangkum chainarong chainarong. Some physical properties of cassava and evaluation of the performance in cutting cassava tubers from their rhizomes using manual labor. featkku [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 29 มิถุนายน 2020 [อ้างถึง 23 มกราคม 2025];6(1):59-68. available at:


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