Design and Development of Fixture for Calibrating of Torque Screwdriver in Accordance with ISO 6789 : 2003 (E) using Quality Function Deployment Technique
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This research proposes a systematic approach for design and development of fixture for holding a torque screwdriver during a calibration in accordance with ISO 6789: 2003(E). The research emphasizes on designing new model of the fixture that will give accurate result and respond to the needs of calibrators. This research applies the techniques of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and House of Quality (HOQ). The methodology begins with studying the fixtures used in other laboratories, analyze their pros and cons. The second step is to survey the needs from users in related laboratory. The third step is to transform the needs into target specifications using HOQ of QFD. The fourth step is designing the fixture with computer aided design software based on conceptual design and conceptual design selection techniques. The last step is constructing and testing a prototype with calibrating the torque screwdriver. The result has found that a prototype can be calibrated according to ISO 6789 : 2003(E) and also shown that it can meet the needs of users as follows ; 1.strong for holding 2.can adjust precision torque 3.can adjust the hight 4.convenient for holding. And the result of satisfaction survey found that the new fixture has a high score of satisfaction which is 4.75 out of 5.
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