An Evaluation of Lean Implementation to Create Sustainable Lean Implementation

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Oradee Preutisrunyanont


The objective of this research is to evaluate maturity levels of Lean implementation in manufacturing companies in order to identify ways to enhance an achievement level of sustainable Lean implementation. The case studies were three manufacturing companies in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The Lean maturity model covering 11 strategic resources affecting success and sustainability of Lean implementation was used to evaluate the Lean maturity levels. The results showed that Company A, a large
public limited company producing watch boxes, had the highest level of Lean resources with an average resource score of 4.14. The runner-up was Company B, a lingerie producer, with an average resource score of 4.09. It was found that these two companies had high potential to implement Lean successfully and sustainably. On the other hand, Company C, a PVC tile producer, had the lowest level of Lean resources with an average resource score of 2.88, meaning that the company was at the lowest Lean maturity stage amongst the three.

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How to Cite
Preutisrunyanont, O. (2017). An Evaluation of Lean Implementation to Create Sustainable Lean Implementation. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 3(1), 45–55. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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