Application of Nordic Walking Poles for Reducing Forces on Knee

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Teerawat Suwannawat
Nivit Charoenchai


The purpose of this research was to determine the parameters of Nordic poles effected on knee during walking. Experiments were done on 20 male volunteers. Full factorial design (2k) were analyzed on two levels of three factors which were the height of Nordic poles (elbow angle 90 degree, elbow angle less than 90 degree), walking speed (normal walk, brisk walk), ground contact (two point contact ground, three point contact). Ground force reaction measured from motion analyzer and force plate with the frequency of 1 per 100 second. Then biomechanical analysis on one cycle walk on sagittal plane was identified and analyzed to determine the factors that effected on knee during walking with Nordic poles. The results has shown that minimum ground reaction force on knee (fz1) of optimize parameters which were walking speed on low speed (Lower 2 m.s-1), ground contract on one method (two point contract ground), and height of Nordic poles on
low level (elbow angle 90 degree). In addition to compare with walking without Nordic poles, ground reaction force on knee (Fz1) to be decreased 3.90%

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How to Cite
Suwannawat, T., & Charoenchai, N. (2017). Application of Nordic Walking Poles for Reducing Forces on Knee. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 3(1), 56–64. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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