A Study of the Effect of Drawbead Shapes in Non-Symmetry Deep Drawing Process by Using Finite Element-Simulation

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Teerayut Karnchanaseangthong
Chwalit Inpunyo
Sirichai Torsakul


This research aims to study the flow of steel sheet in unsymmetrical shape forming process. The process begins with using different shape of drawbead and then simulates finite element method. The shape of drawbeads are semicircle, v shape, and irregular quadrilateral. The materials used in this study is SPCD cold rolled steel testing under blank holder force condition of 50 percent of shape forming pressure. The test result shows that the shape of drawbead and pressure effects the flow of steel sheet. The sheet flows better under semicircle shaped drawbead. This keeps the sheet from being torn apart and reduces wrinkle. Finite Element
Simulation shows a coherent result in the behavior of shape forming for steel sheet. The result of shape transformation from Finite Element Simulation is coherent to the original shape. The adaptation of Finite Element can effectively predict and provide a way for changing drawbead shape in sheet metal forming process.

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How to Cite
Karnchanaseangthong, T., Inpunyo, C., & Torsakul, S. (2016). A Study of the Effect of Drawbead Shapes in Non-Symmetry Deep Drawing Process by Using Finite Element-Simulation. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 2(3), 15–22. retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ienj/article/view/179668
Research and Review Article


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