Application of Heuristic Method for Assembly Line Balancing Problems Type 2 : Case Study of Garment industry

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Ganokgarn Jirasirilerd
Thaweesak PIathawee
Jenwit Tanumat
Wanwisa Lakhan
Sutira Taobun


This paper presents the application of heuristic 3 methods for assembly line balancing problem type 2: case study which considers from the machinery of each workstation of 19 workstations and the efficiency of the assembly line is 65.40%. This study also aims to find the minimum cycle time (c) as Simple Assembly Line Balancing Problems Type 2 (SALBP-2). The results show that application of the provided heuristic methods is Minimum Task Time (Min.Time) can reduce the cycle time from 2.95 minutes to 2.687 minutes and increase the assembly line efficiency to 71.80%.

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How to Cite
Jirasirilerd, G., PIathawee, T., Tanumat, J., Lakhan, W., & Taobun, S. (2019). Application of Heuristic Method for Assembly Line Balancing Problems Type 2 : Case Study of Garment industry. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 5(2), 27–35. Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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