Reducing Process Time for The Metallic Gasket Assembly Process

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Supapat Pingta


This research aims to study and improve the metal gasket assembly process. In a case study of the small and medium-sized company (SMEs) which has mainly produced automotive parts. The company produced products according to order from customers (Make to order) that its various products in the company. From the initial data collections of the company, it was found that the company lacked in working processes improvement for a long time and there wasn't standard of working times. Each product took a different time to produce especially the metal gasket assembly process which is the most popular ordered part and took a long time to produce owing to lack of equipment to assist the production process.

Then the research team has been designed a new device to assist the production process able to work easily and quickly to reduce the time in the assembly process. After using the device to assist the metal gasket assembly process it was founded that it took 7.12 seconds to produce (before using the device it took 22.88 seconds to produce). As a result, it was able to reduce 15.76 seconds to process the metal gasket assembly (68.88 %)

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How to Cite
Pingta, S. . (2021). Reducing Process Time for The Metallic Gasket Assembly Process. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 7(1), 68–78. Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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