Disbursement Management of Hospital Medical Supplies with Kanban System

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Nalinee Chanamool
Traiphop Sangthong
Suwat Kumban


This research aims 1) to study and analyze problems in the disbursement process of pharmaceuticals in hospital inventories 2) to apply the Kanban system to monitor the number of medical supplies in the hospital inventory and 3) to measure the efficiency of checking the number of medical supplies after the application of Kanban system. This research is characterized as field research. The sample was 48 medical supplies within the hospital depot. The tools used in the research are fishbone diagram, ABC analysis, Kanban system, and time record form and accuracy for the number of medical supplies. The results showed that before the improvement, it took 85.94 minutes to check the number of medical supplies. Accounted for an average time of 1.79 minutes per item. After the improvement, it took 11.93 minutes to check the number of medical supplies. Accounted for an average time of 0.25 minutes per item. Time to inspect medical supplies was reduced by 80.72 minutes, representing 86.12 percentage of the reduced inspection time. When checking the remaining number of medical supplies and the number of Kanban, found that the matching 48 items accounted for 100 percentage from the sample group. When interviewing staff in charge of the medical supplies, it was found that the Kanban system makes medical supplies inspection more convenient and faster. From the original, the medical supplies must be checked at each item, which takes a lot of time. After the improvement, the remaining medical supplies can be checked faster. For the next research, the implementation of Kanban in other processes or activities may be programmed to help forecast demand and replenishment, and the cost of systematic operations should be estimated or may be developed as an electronic Kanban system.

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How to Cite
Chanamool, N., Sangthong , T. ., & Kumban , S. . (2021). Disbursement Management of Hospital Medical Supplies with Kanban System. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 7(2), 41–50. Retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ienj/article/view/244423
Research and Review Article


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