Propeller Mass Reduction of the Electric Motor in Ring-spinning Machine in Textile Industry for Energy Saving

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Chalalai Wongwian
Kangsadan Sagulpongmalee
Chaleedol Inyasri


The research paper is to reduce the load on the motor and to reduce the electric current at the start by reducing the mass of the ring-spinning propeller of 3-phase AC motor in ring-spinning machine in textile Industry. The article provides flow process chart of energy consumption to analyze energy consumption in production. and use the Fishbone diagram to find the cause to create energy conservation measures. Studies have shown that the yarn spinning process with a ring spinning machine uses 40% of the total electrical energy in the textile industry. Therefore, energy conservation by changing the size of the electric motor propeller from propeller mass 28.31 kg to propeller mass 20.40 kg but the propeller is the same diameter size. From the experimental, found that the reduction of the propeller of the ring-spinning machine did not affect the production process and the suction power of the AC motor. This measure can reduce the electric current at the start of the motor and save the suction power down to 4.02 A. This measure can save energy equivalent to 1000 kWh/y or electricity cost 53,371.71 baht/year. By reducing the propeller mass of motor, the ring-spinning, will have to invest 9,500 baht and payback period of 0.18 year or 2 months.

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How to Cite
Wongwian, C., Sagulpongmalee , K., & Inyasri, C. . (2021). Propeller Mass Reduction of the Electric Motor in Ring-spinning Machine in Textile Industry for Energy Saving. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 7(2), 111–117. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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