Production Improvement in Wire Mesh Process
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The purpose of this research is to improve production in wire mesh process in case study. From studying and collecting data on production problems, it was found that there were two wastes sections such as, 1.) wastes caused by defects in the production process; 1.1) the machine set up problem that caused by staff lacking experience and skills in setting up the machine,1.2) waste from raw material scraps run out of roll that caused by employees do not inspect their work thoroughly and 1.3) damaged transverse wires that caused by the factory is no wires rack. Therefore, we have proposed improvement in this section by applying PDCA concept to plan operations and organize training to increase work skills and set up machine to employees including with the use of documents to check the machine before and after work. In addition, we design the transverse wires rack for the factory. For the waste problem section 2.) was waste from the storage of finished goods that caused by the factory did not have a systematic storage of products which causing the product to deteriorate and rust. Then, we designed the storage area in the warehouse and applied the FIFO principle for warehouse disbursement. From the results, it found that the average amount of the production process waste before improvement accounted for 222.5 kg./month. And after improvement the average amount of waste accounted for 115.5 kg./month. It can be reduced 107 kg. as a percentage 48.09. For the problem of waste from storage of finished goods, after we applied FIFO concept, the factory has more systematic storage and can reduced the problem of deterioration of finished goods.
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