Factors Affecting the Compliance of Entrepreneurs to the Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment at Work Act 2011 in Phatthalung Province Region

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Suriya Jirasatitsin
อติกานต์ จุลนันโท
Klangduen Pochana
Angoon Sungkhapong


From the survey of workplace safety data and the safety report submitted to the Office of Labour Protection and Welfare Phatthalung that in lower level than the target value, the compliance with safety laws of entrepreneurs is not cooperating as they should. This research is to study the factors affecting the compliance of entrepreneurs to the safety, health, and environment at work act 2011 in Phatthalung province region, and to encourage entrepreneurs to cooperate in compliance with the act. The scope of the research focuses on 37 risky establishments and 20 prototype establishments. The data was gathered by a questionnaire and analyzed by a statistical program.  The results showed that, at significant of 0.05, the safety law compliance related to the type, size, and the litigation experience of the establishment, the age, education level, and safety training experience of employers, and the safety management perception. The main reason of the noncompliance with the law were 1) Lack of the law knowledge, 2) No monitoring systems of law compliance, 3) Lack of budget for the safety task, and 4) Lack of the public sector governance. Therefore, the Office should have a policy to encourage entrepreneurs to comply with the act by organizing training to develop knowledge of safety law operations, developing safety management systems, and preparing guidelines for compliance with safety laws.

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How to Cite
Jirasatitsin, S., จุลนันโท อ. ., Pochana, K. ., & Sungkhapong, A. (2022). Factors Affecting the Compliance of Entrepreneurs to the Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment at Work Act 2011 in Phatthalung Province Region . Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 8(2). retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ienj/article/view/246573
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