Reduce Time in the Process of Separating Steel Scraps in the Rubber

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Narawadee Sitthidetchtamroung


This research aims to reduce the time in the procedure of separating iron separation from rubber. The researcher studied the working process and collected data on the process of separating the scrap iron from the rubber. The working time of 322.21 seconds per 1 cycle of scrap metal sorting from rubber. Therefore, it focuses on reducing the process time based on found that the reason for the delay in the process is that employees must use their hands to spread the rubber to find iron scrap because there is no equipment to help in separating iron scrap. From the aforementioned problems, have come up with a way to make the work process more efficient. By designing and building equipment. After using a device to help separate scrap iron from rubber, it was found that the time to sort scrap iron from the tire 1 cycle was 24.63 seconds from the original time to sort scrap iron from the rubber was 322.21 seconds per 1 cycle, the time can be reduced by 297.58 seconds or 92.36%

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Sitthidetchtamroung, N. (2022). Reduce Time in the Process of Separating Steel Scraps in the Rubber. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 8(2). Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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