Waste Reduction in Coconut Crisp Roll Dessert Production Process

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Pakdee Jaisue
Paitoon Siri-O-Ran


The objective of this research is to reduce waste from the production process of crispy coconut rolls by using Quality Control Tools (QC Tools) to identify the causes, improve quality, and reduce waste in the production process. It began with the use of a Check Sheet to record and collect data, followed by the use of a Pareto Diagram to identify the most significant problems to prioritize for problem-solving, which resulted in issues with irregularly shaped. Then, data on waste was used to create a p-chart to show the out-of-control points during each time period. The Fishbone Diagram was used to analyze the causes, which were identified as Man, Machine, and Method. Recommendations for solutions based on these factors were also analyzed. The results of the improvements showed that waste could be reduced by 2,079 kilograms, which translated to a cost savings of 103,950 baht. In conclusion, the process of waste reduction in the production process using a Quality Control Tool could achieve the objective of reducing waste and reducing costs.

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How to Cite
Jaisue, P., & Siri-O-Ran, P. (2023). Waste Reduction in Coconut Crisp Roll Dessert Production Process. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 9(1), 11–20. Retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ienj/article/view/247632
Research and Review Article


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