Application of Lean Manufacturing by Simulation in Garment Production Process

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Thanapol Sombat
Kanitsorn Poonikom


This research aims to find ways to improve the production processing in the garment production of the factory. Case study from collecting data on problems in production by creating a value map before improvement and simulate the current situation. It was found that the printing department and the embroidery department are two departments that need to be improved urgently. The printing department produces 14.32% of waste. The embroidery department does not meet the target production of 200 units per day and the actual production capacity is 137 units per day. There are 2 wastes occurring: 1.) Wastes occurring in the printing process, such as 1.1) incomplete printing caused by a lot of dust from the factory. There is a lot of dust on the machine. Do not shake off the dust from the cloth. There is no standard practice and the fabric is not straight. Therefore, the researcher has proposed a way to improve this part by applying the 5S principle to reduce dust that affects printing and establish standard operating procedures (Work Instruction) to prevent employee error and waste in part 2.) it is the waste that occurs in the embroidery process, such as 2.1) the embroidery process takes a long time. This is due to taking a long time to prepare and placing the workpieces and parts out of order. Therefore, the researcher has applied the principles development of tools or protection against mistakes by creating a device to hold the embroidery frame. And the principles of arranging working conditions (Working conditions) appropriately by creating shelves, painting the floor and attaching various indicator signs. From the research results, it was found that improvements to reduce waste that causes waste in the printing department. Able to reduce waste that occurred from the original 14.32%. After improvement, there is only 2.87% waste. The original production capacity was 342 units per day, after improvement increased to 388 units per day, reducing production costs by 1,127 baht per day. And from improvements to reduce wastage caused by time spent on preparation work for production made in the embroidery department can reduce the preparation time and increase production efficiency with a production target of 200 units per day, which before improvement was 137 units per day, production efficiency was 68.5%, after improvement of production capacity increased to 195 units per day, production efficiency was 97.5%, production efficiency increased up to 29%.

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How to Cite
Sombat, T., & Poonikom, K. . (2023). Application of Lean Manufacturing by Simulation in Garment Production Process. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 9(1), 62–73. Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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