Vehicle Routing by Using a Saving Algorithm: Community Drinking Water Factory

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Thipsuda Kumphan
Thanyaret Sriyonyot
Arisa Boonwan
Ubolwan Chantem


The objective of this research titled vehicle routing by using a saving algorithm: a case study of community drinking water factory of Khok Chan Subdistrict, Utumpornpisai District, Sisaket Province was to compare the current vehicle routing with vehicle routing by using a saving algorithm (SA). The problems found in this factory were a lack of full vehicle capacity and the experience of staffs was the main decision to choose the transport routes. As a result, there is a lack of transportation efficiency. In this study, capacity constraints of transport vehicles had been taken into consideration. The result found that using Saving Algorithm (SA) method could reduce the distance by 14.1 kilometers (total distance from 118.7 kilometers to 104.6 kilometers) or 11.88%. As a result, fuel costs were decreased by 47.94 baht per day. This represented a fuel cost savings of 1,438.2 baht per month. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that the saving algorithm method makes this transportation more efficient.

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How to Cite
Kumphan, T., Sriyonyot, T. ., Boonwan, A. ., & Chantem, U. . (2023). Vehicle Routing by Using a Saving Algorithm: Community Drinking Water Factory. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 9(2), 50–57. retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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