Production Sequencing and Scheduling for Coil Assembly of Air Conditioner

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Ratgamol Sirisapya
ฺBanhan Lila
Ruephuwan Chantrasa


This research presents a study on job sequencing and production scheduling for coil components of the air conditioner production process. The problem structure is characterized as a hybrid flow shop with two stages. Each set of orders consists of N jobs that must go through station 1 with 3 parallel machines before proceeding to a single machine at station 2 under a condition of sequence-dependent setup times. The objective is to reduce overtime costs that are needed to avoid job tardiness. The TSP-AH heuristic is proposed utilizing the concept of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) to sequence all jobs before assigning them to machines at stations 1 and 2 to minimize overtime. The TSP-AH was applied to 10 job sets and compared with the existing MinSetup method. The result indicated that the TPS-AH led to an average, of each order set, reduction of makespan from 143 to 131.7 hours. The number of job tardiness decreased from 9.5 to 7 jobs. Subsequently, overtime costs decreased significantly from 32,031.3 to 12,846.8 baht, or a 59.9% reduction of the existing method. The findings demonstrate that the TSP-AH effectively improves job sequencing and production scheduling for the 2-stages hybrid flow shop problems, leading to better on-time deliveries and substantial cost savings.

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How to Cite
Sirisapya , R. ., Lila ฺ., & Chantrasa , R. (2024). Production Sequencing and Scheduling for Coil Assembly of Air Conditioner. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 10(2). Retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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