Assessment and Warehouse Management of Automotive Parts Manufacturers

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Wuttichai Youngswaing
Ekkapong Cheunkamon


The objective of this research is to improve and reduce the time in the storage and picking process according to the product sheet and to evaluate the efficiency of warehouse management before and after the improvement of the warehouse of the automotive parts manufacturing company by analyzing the warehouse problem using the fishbone diagram, ABC analysis, and the evaluation of warehouse management efficiency (Industrial logistics performance index: ILPI) to propose an efficient and cost-effective operation approach. The initial research study and analysis of the current condition of the warehouse, adjusting the product placement, and trying to collect the picking time of the original placement to compare with the newly made placement by rearranging the placement to make the work faster result in lower costs. By randomly selecting the product sheet to experiment with the picking method and collecting time data to compare and find the best time, it was found that the picking time could be reduced by 366 seconds or 49.51 percent, and the average storage time of finished goods was reduced by 10 days. The inventory accuracy rate increased by 99.2 percent, making the warehouse management system and product picking more efficient.

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How to Cite
Youngswaing, W. ., & Cheunkamon, E. (2024). Assessment and Warehouse Management of Automotive Parts Manufacturers. Thai Industrial Engineering Network Journal, 10(2). retrieved from
Research and Review Article


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