International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Technology (ISJET)

ISSN: 2586-8527

Focus and Scope

International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Technology will be dedicated to serving as a forum to share knowledge on research advances in all fields of sciences: Engineering, Technology, Innovation, Information Technology, Management Information System, Logistics and Transportation, Agricultural Science, Animal Science and Aquaculture, Food Science, and other areas in Sciences and Technology. Submissions are welcomed from both PIM as well as other Thai and foreign institutions.

Peer Review Process

Reviewing Policy:

1. Any manuscript to be accepted for publication must have been reviewed and approved by at least three peer reviewers in that particular field or related fields. The Journal has a double-blind peer review policy which means that neither the peer reviewer nor the author knows the identity of each other

2. The submitted manuscript must have never been published in any other periodical, and must not be in the approval process for publication by any other periodical. Also, the author must not plagiarize the work of other people.

3. The article, expression, illustrations, and tables that are published in the Journal are the sole responsibility of the author, and definitely not that of the Panyapiwat Institute of Management.

4. The Editorial Board of the International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Technology (ISJET) reserves the right to change or revise the name(s) and unit(s) of the author(s) in all cases after the issuance of the letter.

5. The Editorial Board of the International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Technology (ISJET) reserves the right to cancel the publication that has been issued a certification of publication in the Panyapiwat Journal.

6. The Editorial Board of the International Scientific Journal of Engineering and Technology (ISJET) reserves the right to decision-making on publishing an article in the Journal.


Languages of academic work: 

Articles written in the English language are accepted for publication

Publication Fee: None

Frequency of Publication:

Twice a year

  • The first issue: January - June
  • The second issue: July – December

Publication and Access Charges:

There are no charges to submit and publish all types of articles. Full articles in pdf can be downloaded free from the journal website.

***Workflow of Journal